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Six Deaths, Over 300 Infected by New “Hypercontagious” Virus, Spread to Five Countries


Six people have died and over 300 are now infected in five countries. Perhaps most concerning, is 15 medical staff members have now been infected. With most of China traveling next week due to the Chinese Lunar New Year, US officials will begin screening at airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York. This is a new strain of the coronavirus, similar to SARS, causing a pneumonia type illness. Chinese officials confirmed today that transmission of the virus is spread by human-to-human contact. It also appears that the virus has already jumped international borders as it has been detected in five countries including the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) is organizing an emergency committee to convene Wednesday, January 22nd to discuss the possibility of declaring an international health emergency.


China’s National Health Commission:

“The source of the new type of coronavirus has not been found, we do not fully understand how the virus is transmitted, and changes in the virus still need to be closely monitored,”

Chinese President Xi Jinping:

“The recent outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan and other places must be taken seriously,” … “Party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels should put people’s lives and health first.