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Amazon Developing Personalized Cancer Vaccines – Clinical Trails Begin Summer 2022

FACTS: Amazon launched its Amazon Care in September 2019 and their presence in healthcare has grown exponentially ever since.

Now, they are to collaborate with the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to develop personalized cancer vaccines for patients with breast cancer and melanoma in a new phase I clinical trial, starting Summer 2022.

About 20 people over the age of 18 will be selected to determine the safety of the vaccines. Phase I trials are expected to end in November 2023.

QUOTES:   Amazon spokesperson, “It’s very early, but Fred Hutch recently received permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to proceed with a Phase I clinical trial, and it’s unclear whether it will be successful. This will be a long, multi-year process – should it progress, we would be open to working with other organizations in health care and life sciences that might also be interested in similar efforts.”

SOURCE:, click here.